NYA Update: Report measures the impact of participation in youth justice

Monday, June 27, 2011

The National Youth Agency, as part of its ongoing work with the Local Government Association, has examined the impact and effectiveness of participation in the youth justice system.

The study, which was undertaken during 2010 and 2011, built on key findings presented in the Voice and Influence Report, and brought together the views of many youth offending service managers captured through telephone interviews and focus groups.

The report has found both young people and youth offending teams benefit from a more participatory approach and participatory approaches are a necessary precondition for effective work to bring about a reduction in reoffending and thus make a real difference.

Findings from the report suggest that reducing reoffending can only be achieved through a participatory approach between individual young people and adults working at a local level and in a way that places the young person's needs at the centre of the work. Participation can also improve outcomes for young people by increasing access to services.

The report also highlights the importance of understanding the effectiveness of any service must begin with young people as service users and improving the quality of their lives. Respondents detailed that not starting here risks ignoring a range of vitally important issues and alienating the young person further.

Peta Halls, National Youth Agency development officer, comments: "This research has highlighted the importance of engaging young people in youth justice as a necessary component of reducing an individual's likelihood of reoffending.

"The report identifies a number of recommendations including the need for further research to assess the impact and effectiveness of participation in youth justice.

"At a local level we have identified steps local authorities can now take to further develop a culture of participation and begin to demonstrate the effectiveness and impacts of such activity."

The report is available as a downloadable pdf from: www.nya.org.uk/targeted-youth-services/community-safety-and-youth-justice.

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